COVID-19 Relief Funding

In 2020 we all faced new and difficult challenges related to the COVID-19 virus. The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba continues to stand ready to respond to those needs. Our initial response was laid out in three Phases; the goal, to act quickly, inclusively and responsibly to assist organizations affected by this pandemic. In 2021 we continued to accept grant applications from organizations still suffering the effects of the pandemic.
Community Impact Funds housed at the JFM have been essential in allowing us the flexibility to identify and adapt to the changing needs developing within our community as a result of the pandemic. In a typical year, the JFM's Community Impact Funds are utilized to distribute grants to Jewish and general community organizations. These grants are dedicated to programming and exciting initiatives that strive to support, engage and enlighten communities and the people who make them so vibrant.

Phase 1:
April 2020

Jewish Community Organizations

Distribution provided to Manitoba based Jewish organizations for operational relief.
Each organization's Financial reports and operational expenses were the basis that dictated the level of funding that it would receive. The total of this initial distribution was $193,800.

Adas Yeshurun Herzlia Congregation 3,400
Aleph Bet Child Life Enrichment Program Inc. 10,000
Asper Jewish Community Campus of Winnipeg 12,000
B'nai Brith Canada - Midwest Region 6,700
B'nai Brith Jewish Community Camp 10,000
Camp Massad Manitoba 6,700
Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism 3,400
Chabad-Lubavitch of Winnipeg 10,000
Chai Folk Arts Council Inc. 6,700
Chesed Shel Emes 6,700
Chevra Mishnayes Synagogue 1,000
Chavurat Tefilah 1,000
Congregation Etz Chayim 10,000
Congregation Shaarey Zedek 12,000
Gray Academy of Jewish Education 12,000
Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre 6,700
Hebrew Congregation of Winnipeg Beach 1,000
House of Ashkenazie 1,000
Jewish Child and Family Service 12,000
Jewish Federation of Winnipeg 10,000
Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada 3,400
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada-Winnipeg Section 1,000
Rady Jewish Community Centre 12,000
Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre 12,000
Shalom Residences Inc. 12,000
Talmud Torah Beth Jacob Synagogue 1,000
Temple Shalom Manitoba Inc. 3,400
Winnipeg Jewish Theatre Inc. 3,400

General Community Organizations

Distribution of $68,000 to four front line general community charities in Winnipeg. Additionally, through the generosity of an anonymous donor, a matching donation of $34,000 was made possible, bringing the total distributed to these four charities to $102,000.

Agape Table 25,500
Winnipeg Harvest 25,500
The Main Street Project 25,500
Siloam Mission 25,500

Women's Endowment Fund Distributions

The spring distribution of Women’s Endowment Fund Grants saw $30,000 distributed to five organizations who continue to support our most vulnerable women and children during, what is possibly, their greatest time of need.

North End Women’s Resource Centre 6,000
Willow Place 6,000
Salvation Army 6,000
Alpha House 6,000
West Central Women’s Resource Centre 6,000

Phase 2:  
June 2020

Jewish Community Relief Funding 

For Phase 2, application criteria were developed by the Grants Committee and approved by the Board. Applications from the Manitoba based Jewish organizations who chose to apply were then submitted for review by the Grants Committee. Their recommendations were then approved by the Board for distribution as follows. The total of these grant commitments was $210,500.

B'nai Brith Jewish Community Camp 28,000
Camp Massad Manitoba 28,000
Congregation Etz Chayim 10,000
Gray Academy of Jewish Education 27,500
Winnipeg Jewish Theatre 9,000
Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre 15,000
Rady Jewish Community Centre 40,000
Chai Folk Arts Council 8,000
Temple Shalom Manitoba 5,000
Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre 30,000
Chabad-Lubavitch of Winnipeg 10,000

Phase 3:
Fall 2020

Jewish Community Relief Funding

For Phase 3, the same application criteria utilized for Phase 2 was again provided to Manitoba based Jewish organizations. The application window opened on September 15th and closed September 30. Applications from organizations who chose to apply were submitted for review by the Grants Committee. Their recommendations have been approved by the Board for distribution as follows. The total of these grant commitments was $203,500.

Adas Yeshurun Herzlia Congregation 9,000
B'nai Brith Canada - Midwest Region 10,000
B'nai Brith Jewish Community Camp 10,500
Chabad-Lubavitch of Winnipeg 23,500
Chai Folk Arts Council 15,000
Chevra Mishnayes Synagogue Inc. 16,500
Congregation Etz Chayim 15,000
Gray Academy of Jewish Education 30,000
Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre 20,000
Rady Jewish Community Centre 40,500
Talmud Torah Beth Jacob Synagogue 6,000
Winnipeg Jewish Theatre 7,500