
Board Member Spotlight - Syd Thompson

by Stu Slayen | Apr 05, 2017
“One of the most exciting things about serving on the Foundation’s Board is that we’re never complacent. I think as an organization, we see the growing importance of our role and we are always evolving deliberately and wisely as our assets grow and our community’s needs change. I’m also so impressed by the skill and devotion I have seen around our Board and committee tables. Our Presidents have inspired me as have my fellow committee members – past and present. Our staff is outstanding as they keep us volunteers motivated and focused. As a proud Jew, I feel blessed to work with the Foundation’s dedicated team of professionals and volunteers to make life better in our Jewish community and beyond. Above all, though, the best thing about being on this Board is seeing the results of our work. There are successful people in our community today – representing a broad cross-section of fields – who benefitted greatly from the JFM grants and scholarships they received years ago and who enrich our community today. That makes me proud.” 

Syd Thompson
Member, Board of Directors
Chair, Distributions Committee
Member, Investment Committee