
Students Help Our Most Vulnerable

by Josh Kerr | Sep 22, 2023

Gray Academy Youth in philanthropy program supports two vital initiatives

Gray Academy's Youth in Philanthropy Program educates high school students about the importance of Tzedakah and the impact their actions and choices can have on their community. 

As part of the Gemilut Chasidim course, students spend the school term learning about various non-profit organizations, their missions, and the people they assist.

Students form groups, each of which must select an organization they wish to support. Through presentations to their classmates and advocacy on behalf of the chosen non-profits, the class narrows down the options to one or two community organizations.

This year, the students decided to support Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) and Salvation Army Haven (The Haven).

RaY guides disconnected youths up to 29 years old using integrated programs and services to help empower them. Their goal is to provide young people with the tools they need, whatever those may be, to better their lives on their terms. 

The Haven assists adult males with mental illness prepare to reintegrate into community living. The program emphasizes personal and spiritual growth for these individuals.

The Youth in Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) Canada was established in 2002 to strengthen support for local social issues by empowering young people to determine the best allocation of grant funds within their communities. The program is offered to secondary schools throughout Canada.

The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba takes pride in matching the $2,500 grant from YPI Canada, enabling the students to contribute $5,000 in meaningful donations. The Foundation also provides an additional $500 to cover programming costs for the year. These funds are made available through our Community Impact Grants.