Complete List of Signers

The following donors are participants in the Endowment Book of Life program and their family stories are inscribed in the Endowment Book of Life.

Signers are broken down alphabetically by last name. (* = of blessed memory January 2018)

EBOL Signers

EBOL Signers

  • A

    Ronnie Aaron

    Ilana Abrams & Steven Hyman

    Alisa Abrams

    Reeva Abrams

    Audrey Agasi in memory of Esther & Oscar Weinstein

    Audrey & Israel* Agasi

    Sharon Allentuck

    Ida & Saul* Alpern

    Bella* & Oscar* Antel

    Evelyn Arkin

    Abe Arnold*

    Beverly Aronovitch

    Beverly Aronovitch in memory of Sheila & Albert Krolik

    Don Aronovitch

    Fraser Aronovitch in memory of Rabbi Drew Aronovitch

    Babs* & Israel* Asper

    Gail Asper

    Leonard Asper

    Danita & Michel Aziza

  • B

    Judith & Norman* Bager

    Ian Barnes

    Len Barsky*

    Shirley Barsky*

    Doris & Burton Bass

    Elaine & Bill Bebchuk

    Hannon Bell in memory of Rose & Leon Bell

    Minnie & Dick Bell

    Lorne Bellan

    Ruth Bellan*

    Marla Berchard in memory of Annie Rose  

    Phyllis Berck in memory of Jessie & Ben Berck

    Arky Berkal

    Sara* & Louis* Berkal

    Lawrence Berman*

    Carole* & Sheldon Berney

    Evelyn Bernstein*

    Faren & Keevin Bernstein

    Morley Bernstein

    Zita* and Mark* Bernstein

    Terri Bernstein 

    Sheila Billinghurst in memory of Teddy Bass

    Sheila & Allen* Billinghurst

    Lori Binder

    Ronna Birnboim

    Roy and Chaim Birnboim -  In Memory of Menashe and Shifra Birnboim

    Bianca Ruth* & Frank* Blanaru

    Arthur Blankstein in memory of Cecil & Claire Blankstein

    Marjorie Blankstein in memory of Dr. Maxwell S. Rady & Rose (Bronfman) Rady

    Marjorie & Morley* Blankstein

    Ben Blum*

    Jennifer Blumenthal & Danny Bubis

    Rochelle Blumenthal*

    Allan Blye

    Garry Blye

    Brenda & Larry Booke

    Diane & Richard Boroditsky 

    Harry (Hershey) Braunstein

    Sheila & David Brodovsky

    Sharon Bronstone

    Ethel Brotman*

    Dee & Harold* Buchwald

    Mira & Martin Buchwald

    Alex Burstein 

    Annette Butler*

  • C

    Yvonne & Harvey Cantin

    Gloria & Allan Cantor

    Min* & Morris* Cantor

    Jim Carr*

    Bonnie Cham

    Marion* & Archie Cham

    Sandra Caplan

    Naomi* & Jack* Chapman

    Thelma* & Morris* Chapnick

    Fayanne & Avrom Charach

    Ruth* & Barney Charach

    Pat Charad

    Norma & Victor Chernick

    Becky, Samantha, and Adam Chisick in memory of their grandparents, Tamara & Max Chisick

    Casey Chisick

    Allan Chisvin

    Dolly & Zivey Chudnow

    Louise & Sheldon* Claman

    Jessica & Joel Cogan

    Marcia & Lou Cogan

    Nessie & Harvey Cogan

    Anita Cohen*

    C. Lloyd Cohen in memory of Irvin & Albertina Cohen

    Esther & Jacob Cohen

    Fran* & Jerome* Cohen

    Jerry Cohen

    Jerry Cohen in memory of Carole Cohen

    Louise* & Joe Cohen  

    Maurene & David Cohen

    Pat Cohen*

    Sheri Cohen

    Shira Cohen & Stuart Slayen  

    Sondra & Martin* Cohn

    Ruth Copp* in memory of Alex & Sara Mitchell

    Irene & Robert* Corne

    Hennie & Rick Corrin

    Marcia Cosman

    Marsha Cowan

  • D

    Phyllis & Nate Dana

    Jeri Danyleyko in memory of Jennie Boxer

    Clarice Danzker*

    Lainey Danzker & Michael Werier

    Hy (Hyman) & Esther Dashevsky

    Rose Desser*

    Cecile & Dave Devere

    Heather and John Diamond

    Ethel & Zvi Dil

    Sara Donin*

    Erica Dorfman & Guillermo Szpigiel

    Ann Dowbiggin*

    Lillian Dozar*

    Marsha Dozar, Faigie Greaves and Penny Kohn in memory of Monica & Aaron Dozar

    Rae Dreman*

    Solly Dreman

    Freda Driben*

    Lil & Nathan* ‘Spud’ Duboff

    Sarah Dudeck*

    Sharron & Joel Dudeck

    Gene Dufty Odell*

    Claire* & David* Dveris

    Martin Dveris

  • E

    Sandra & Sheldon Earn

    Betty Eisenstadt - in memory of Rachel and Dov (Boris) Eisenstadt 

    Ellen Elchitz - in honour of Lillian* & Jack Horlick

    Joe Elfenbaum*

    Miriam Erenberg*

    Raisa Eryk* - in memory of Boris Eryk

  • F

    Shelley Faintuch

    Sonja* & Dr. Henry* Faintuch

    David Favor* 

    Lil & Lloyd* Feinstein

    Rhoda* & Zivey Feldman

    Ruth Carol Feldman

    Susan Feldman - in memory of Bill Feldman

    Susan Feldman - in memory of Lou Leibl

    Henery Fineberg

    Toots* & Nate* Fingold

    Allan Finkel

    Harry Fishman*

    Glory & Larry Fleisher

    Brownie & Harold* Fleishman

    David Folk

    Linda Freed

    Martin Freedman in memory of Brownie & Sam Freedman

    Roxy Freedman in memory of Evelyn & Max Berinstein

    Shirley & Robert Freedman

    Myra & Arnold* Frieman

    Agnes & Fred* Funk
  • G

    David Gale

    Ruthy & Hartley* Gale

    Marion Gallis*

    Sharon & Rube* Ganetsky

    General Monash - Royal Canadian Legion

    Bonnie Genser*

    George Gershman*

    Percy Gess*

    Selma & Murray Gilfix

    Evelyn & Alec Gillman

    Esther Ginpil*

    Minda Ginsberg - in memory of Heloise Stillwater

    Arnold Glass

    Arnold and Sheldon Glass - in memory of their grandfather Leo Meltzer

    Sandy & Sheldon Glass

    Sharon Glass in memory of Sadie & Edward Niznick

    Marcia Glazerman

    Fimi* & Bill* Glesby

    Morley M. Globerman*

    Yhetta Gold

    Yhetta Gold - in honour of the Granovsky-Ostry Family

    Dorothy Goldberg*

    Elaine* & Percy* Goldberg

    Marilyn Goldberg - in memory of Max Manley Goldberg

    Marlene Goldberg* - in memory of Bill Goldberg

    Phyllis & Manley* Goldberg

    Serky* & Ben Goldberg

    Suzanne & Earl Golden

    Mel Goldenberg*

    Sadie Goldenberg*

    Elaine & Ian Goldstine

    Rosalyn & Chuck Golfman

    Janis Goodman (Ripstein) 

    Ethel & Ralph* Gordon

    Kayla Gordon

    Beverley Gorenstein

    Barbara* & Adam* Goszer

    Sharon Goszer-Tritt 
    Hilda* & Isaac* Gotfried

    Claire Breslaw Granovsky

    Paul Granovsky*

    Faigie Greaves

    Tracy Kasner Greaves & David Greaves 

    Chaya & Rabbi Alan Green

    Brenda & Saul Greenberg

    Sam Grosberg*

    Lily Guberman

    Lily Guberman - in memory of Wally Guberman

    Harris D. Gulko

    Arthur ‘Fivie’ Gunn

    Bernie Gunn

    Brenda & Martin Gurvey

    Bunny Gurvey*

    Mildred* & Harry* Gutkin

    Ruth* & I. Jack* Gutkin

    Janette Guttman*

    Lolly & Saul Guttman
  • H

    Sid Halpern

    Elyse* & Kenneth* R. Halprin

    Kenneth R. Halprin* - in memory of Joseph Halprin

    Susan Halprin* & Bryan Klein

    Clara* & Ralph* Hamovich

    Phyllis* & Rube* Hatskin

    Evelyn & Larry Hecht

    Gail & Ted* Hechter

    William Hechter*

    Michael Helper

    Yude M. Henteleff*

    Dorothy Hershfield*

    Barbara Hirt

    Phyllis & Ben* Hochman

    Sara Hochman*

    Claire Hoffer
    Brenda Honigman - in memory of Sam and Archie Honigman

    Roberta & Larry* Hurtig

    Sandy Hyman

    Steven Hyman
  • I

    Aaron Ingram

    Bette-Jane Israels - in memory of Albert & Sylvia Israels

  • J

    Lesley & Ken* Jacob

    Daniela & Eric Jacobsohn

    Janey Jacobson*

    Belle Jarniewski

    Annis* & Maurice* Jeroff
  • K

    Lenore Kagan

    Helen Kahane*

    Hope* & Leonard* Kahane

    Judith & Robert Kanee in memory of Helen & Dr. Ben Kanee

    MaryAnn Kanee in memory of:
       Stephen Kanee
       Florence & Sol Kanee
       Rose & Same Kanee
       Clare & Abe Kanee

    Doreen & Arnold Kapitz

    Leah & Jack* Kaplan

    Ben Karasick*

    Minnie Karlinsky*

    Dena* & Henry* Katz

    Esther* Katz - in memory of Morris Katz

    Evelyn Katz*

    Fay-Lynn & Philip* Katz 

    Joanne & Sam Katz

    Melvyn* & Betty* Katz

    Sheila & Ken* Katz

    Joy Kaufman

    Nora & David S.* Kaufman

    Glenna & Michael Kay

    Sima* & Harvey* Kay

    Pat* & Paul* Kettner

    Howard Kideckel*

    Zelma* & Ed* Kimelman

    Chaya Spilman Kirshner*

    Barbara & Raymond Kives

    Claire* & Joe* Kives

    Ellie Kives - in memory of Philip Kives

    Ruth & Sam* Klapman

    Orah & Soody* Kleiman

    Estelle & Lou* Kliman

    Toby Koffman*

    Sylvia Kogan & Michael Narvey

    Miriam Kohn

    Jean & Robert* Kopstein

    David Korn*

    Dorothy Kotler in Memory of Joseph Meyer Freiden

    Cecile & Monte* Kowall

    Simma* & Hy Kraitberg

    Cara & Jonathan Kroft

    Ellen & David Kroft 

    Hester & Guy* Kroft

    Hillaine & Richard Kroft

    Lisa & Steven Kroft

    Johanna* Schindle-Kronson & Kenny* Kronson

  • L

    Miggie Lampe*

    Deanne* & Harry* Lander

    Edith & David* Landy

    Luanne & Barry* Lank

    Judith Lavitt

    Faye Vickar-Lazer & Joel Lazer

    Rosalie Lazar

    Karyn Lazareck - in memory of Ann and Joe Levin

    Ruth Lehmann & Eric Ellis

    Clara* & Hy* Leibl

    Stewart Leibl - on behalf of the grandchildren of the late Faige & Sam Malmed

    Karen & Peter Leipsic

    Fred Lepkin

    Pearl Lerner

    Myrna Levin*

    Naomi Levine - In memory of 
    Paul & Zlata Bookhalter and Louis & Sophie Levine

    Yetta* & Jack* Levit

    Dora* & Aron* Lieberman

    Robyn & Jeff Lieberman

    Ellen & Stewart Leibl

    Sheila* & Elvin Linder

    Celia Lipkin*

    Elaine* & Bernie Lofchick

    Goldie Loffman*

    Gerry* & Monty Lomow

    Laura Lomow 

    Mark Lomow

    Mendel Low*

    Pauline* & Rudy* Lowenstein

    Maylene & Israel Ludwig

    Harriet & Ted Lyons
  • M

    Judy & Bill Mahon

    David Mahussier

    Bayla* & Laurie* Mainster

    Art Maister

    Roberta Malam - in honour of Issie* & Vera* Shwartz

    Laurel Malkin

    Miriam* & Phil* Maltz

    Miriam Maltz* - in memory of Doris (Vigder) and Simon Kirch

    Beverley Manishen*

    Maple Leaf Curling Club

    Enid Marantz*

    Toby Klasser Marantz

    Dale Marcus

    Igal Margolin

    Elaine & Neil Margolis

    Ida Margolis*

    Penny Margolis - in memory of Doris Margolis

    Rae* & Gary Margolis

    Maurice (Moe) Marr*

    Terri & David Marr

    Melanie Martin - in memory of Cheryl Arnold 

    Debbie Maslowsky

    David Matas - in memory of Esther & Harry Matas

    Lil Matchan*

    Marcia* & Mendle* Meltzer

    Estelle (Tzivie) & Ron* Meyers

    Cecile Meyrowitz* 

    Faye Parks* Micay

    Isabelle Miles* - in memory of Lew Miles

    Rose* & Joe* Mindell

    Tannis & Sheldon Mindell

    Susan Silverman Mintz

    Bert Minuk 

    Judge Sam Minuk*

    Zena* & Bill* Minuk

    Ronee* & Irv* Morris

    Walter Morris*

    Toby Morantz - in memory of Pearl & Sydney L. Morantz

    Hope & Howard Morry 

    Anna* & Eddie* Moscovitch

    Anne* & Jack* Moscovitch

    Gloria & Jerry* Moscovitch - in memory of David Moscovitch 

    Ann* & Sam* Moser

    Cathy Moser & Jeff Itzkow

    Lillian Mostow - in memory of Moishe and Clara Halparin

    Phoebe Mozersky*

    Rose & Sam* Muchnik
  • N

    Fred Narvey*

    Monte Nathanson*

    Lillian Neaman

    Ruth Neiman* - in memory of Ann and Joe Levin

    Adam Nepon

    Shirley* & Mel* Neuman

    Shirley* & Lawrence* Nezon

    Marcia Nusgart in memory of Rebecca & Isaac Nusgart
  • O

    Hazel* & Issie* Oiring
  • P

    Paula Parks

    Rory Paul

    Jeanne & Brian Pauls

    Tannis & Marshall Peikoff - in memory of Dr. Alexander Percival Guttman

    Marym* & Izzy* Peltz

    Marvin* & Irma* Penn

    Shirley* & David* Permack

    Faye* & Sam* Pesochin

    Noreen & Marvin Peters

    Jack Pierce*

    David Pinchuk*

    Rochelle Pincovich

    Harvey Pine*

    Harvey Pine* - in memory of Evelyn Pinchuk

    Sylvia* & Earl* Pitch

    John Plantz

    Sybil & Harry* Plattner

    Sandra & Irvin* Plosker

    Betty* & Dave* Polinsky

    Phyllis* & Ronald (Rubie)* Polinsky

    Arnice & Harold* Pollock

    David Pollock 

    Dr. Deborah Gail Pollock

    Lynn & Mischa Pollock

    Mimi* & Gordon* Pollock

    Sylvia* & Harvey* Pollock

    Toby* & Gordon Pollock

    Hernan Popper

    Rueth Portigal*

    Blumie Portnoy*

    Gerry Posner

    Claire Pudavick

    Gordon Pullan

    Judith Putter*

    Rochelle Putter*
  • R

    Ian Rabb

    Sheila & David* Rabb

    Marilyn Raber

    Sadie* & Ben* Raber

    Mavis* & Mayer* Rabkin

    Alvin Raetzen*

    Carol* & Morris* Raizen

    Elaine* & Shalom* Rappaport

    Evelyn Rayman*

    Marilyn Regiec

    Fay Reich

    Max Reich*

    Bayla* & Sam Reiss

    Marlene Reiss

    Leonard Remis*

    Larry Rice

    Sondra & Arnold Rice

    Jennie Rich*

    Laura Richman*

    Rosalie Richman*

    Karen Richter - in memory of Sue & Robert Feldman

    Barbara* & Saul* Rifkin

    Hinda* & Sid Ritter

    Sheila* & Shom* Roitenberg

    Andrea Roitman

    Perry Rose

    Becky* & Harry* Rosenberg

    Sybil* & Motty* Rosenberg

    Theresa Rosenberg*

    Eleanor & Ronald Rosenblat

    Molly Rosenblat*

    Roslyn & Mickey Rosenberg

    Choo Choo Rosenbloom

    Joyce & Sid Rosenhek

    David A. Rosner

    Malca Ross*

    Dick Rothberg

    Joanne Rothberg - in memory of Esther & Manuel Lecker

    Sheila & Bernie Rubenstein

    Berte Rubin*

    Lainy* & Leon* Rubin

    Naida & Charles* Rubin

    Doreen* & Harry* Rubinfeld

    Jack Rusen

    Joan Rusen - in memory of Harold & Tommie Schachter

    Cookie* & Albert* Rutman

    Leonard Rutman

    Lara Rykiss 

    Les Rykiss

  • S

    Rochelle Saidman

    Esther & Marvin Samphir

    Toby & Harvey* Sawyer

    Jeffrey Schacter – in memory of Cheryl Arnold

    Sylvia* & Saul Scott

    Betty* & Sam Searle

    Marcia & Lloyd Secter - in memory of Mollie & Jack Secter by their children

    Glenda & David Segal

    Phyllis Sair Segev* - in memory of Esther & Samuel Sair

    Perle Flam Selch*

    Rivka* Selchen

    Moshe Selchen - in memory of Saul Feldman

    Selma Shearer* - in memory of Ann and Joe Levin

    Kay* & Irv* Sera

    Emily Shane in memory Avraham Baum

    Emily Shane in memory of Zehava Baum

    Shoshana Shalev-Minuk & Sheldon Minuk

    Al Shell

    Clarice (Cal) & Ben* Shell

    Rose* & Eddie* Shell

    Ruth* & Bill* Shell

    Shep Shell

    Carrie Shenkarow

    Rena & Barry Shenkarow

    Frances Sheps*

    Joanne Sheps

    Sharon* & Edward Shinewald

    Sophie Shinewald*

    Janie Shnier

    Rhona & Allan* Shnier

    Beth Shore - in memory of Dr. Louis Slotin

    Ilana Shapera

    Norman I. Shore

    Doreen Short

    Frank Short

    Ben Shuckett*

    Margaret & Paul Shuckett

    Sally & Morley* Shuckett

    Merrill Silverman Shwaid

    Fela* Shwemer

    Clarice Silver

    Dorys* & Morris* Silver

    Roslyn* & Meyer* Silver

    David M. Silverberg*

    Laila* & Harry* Silverberg

    Sylvia Silverberg*

    Manuel Joseph Silverman* - in memory of Yisrael Yitzchak Silverman

    Manuel Joseph Silverman*

    Marion Silverman*

    Paul Silverstone - in memory of the Finkelstein Family

    Fan* & Abe* Simkin

    In memory of the Simkin Family:
      Fanny & Samuel Simkin*
      Jen & Sam Cohen*
      Clara & Joe Erlichman*
      Lil & Jim Simkin*
      Claribel & Saul Simkin*
      Jean & Israel "Blackie" Simkin*

    Jacqueline Simkin

    Morton Simcoe*

    Carol* (Genser) & Ron Slater 

    Sid Slonim*

    Corinne Slotin*

    Sharon Smith & Jack A. Lazareck 

    Evita & Lyle Smordin

    Ida Smordin*

    Selma* & Harold* Smordin

    Barry Snaper & Sharon Oberlander - in memory of Etia & Mark Snaper

    David Solomon

    Elaine & Alex Sommer

    Lynne Spigelman

    Phyllis* & Norman* Spigelman

    Danial Sprintz

    Rebecca Sprintz

    Fanni* Starr-Leonoff & Melvin* Leonoff 

    Sybil & Frank Steele

    Doris & Keppy* Steiman

    Gary, Curtisz’’l, Lionel, and Rodney Steiman in Memory of Hersch Leib (Louis) Steiman

    Hannah Steindel*

    Donni Stern

    Elaine Stern

    Hilda* & Sid* Stern

    Esther Stewart*

    Elaine Stoller*

    Paula Sturrey

    Estelle Sures

    Esther Sztulwark

  • T

    Beatrice & Erven Tallman

    May* & Daniel* Tallman

    Sandy Tapper

    Richard Tapper*

    Lottie Tartell

    Fritzi* Telpner - in memory of Louis Eugene Telpner

    Candice Tenenbein - in memory of Cheryl Arnold

    Elaine Meller Todres & Rubin Todres

    Wulf* Tolboom - in memory of Wanda Tolboom

    Marilyn & Sid* Trepel

    Steven Tritt
  • V

    Eve & Harry* Vickar

    Tova & Larry Z. Vickar

    Norman Vickar*

    Toby & Irv Vinsky
  • W

    Dr. Jeff Waldman in memory of Celeste Waldman

    Harry Walsh*

    Nora & Harry* Warren

    Betty* & Herszel* Warshawsky

    Sigi* Wassermann

    Audrey & Donald* Weidman

    Dr. Leah Weinberg* - in memory of Marcia & Aron Raber

    Dr. Leah Esther Raber Weinberg*

    Cathie Weinstein - in memory of Joel Weinstein

    Shaaron & Hymie Weinstein

    Richard Weiss

    Pam Wener & Gary Altman

    Eddy & Lawrence* Werier

    Arlene & Leonard* Wiener

    David Wilder

    Joseph J. Wilder

    Leslie Wilder

    Marshall* & Phyllis* Wilder

    Wendy & Sam* Wilder

    Eric Winograd

    Francie Winograd in memory of Gertrude & Philip Weiss

    Grace Winograd*

    Marion & Israel* Wise

    Elaine Wiseman

    Barbara Wolch

    Isadore Wolch*

    Carol Woodward 

    Paula* & Bill* Worb

    Anita Wortzman

    Adele & Arthur Wortzman

    Susan Wortzman

    Teresa Rogers & Jason Wortzman 

    Frima Wright*
  • Y

    Richard Yaffe - in memory of Pearl & Philip Yaffe 

    Rose* & Abraham* Yakir

    Ian Yamron*

    Cindy & Rob Yusim 
  • Z

    Marian* & Allan* Zelickson

    Lillian & Hersch* Zentner

    Rochelle Zimberg

    Harriet & Alex Zimmer

    Jeanette Zimmer*

    Audrey Zimmerman - in memory of Rosalie (Diamond) & Louis Boroditsky

    Pauline* & Sam* Zinman